The Laborers'-Employers Cooperation and Education Trust(LECET) joins the Laborers' International Union of North America (LIUNA) and its signatory contractors to address industry related matters of mutual concern through labor-management cooperation. LECET Philadelphia, along with the Laborers' District Council of the Metropolitan Area of Philadelphia &Vicinity, Local Union #s 57, 135, 332 and 413 and their signatory contractors work together to expand work opportunities, work preservation, economic competitiveness and productivity to an secure union projects and jobs. LECET and its partners sponsor seminars, programs, conferences and meetings concerning issues affecting the Industry.
LECET Philadelphia works with leading industry organizations on matters of importance to ensure that the voice of union labor-management is heard by policy makers on issues of concern. LECET further promotes the image of Laborers through multiple social media and marketing channels to share the good works and good will of union labor with the community at large.
To learn more about how your business can grow by partnering with the Philadelphia and Vicinity Laborers, please contact the Laborers' District Council at 215-684-2090.

Contact Us
665 N. Broad Street - 4th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19123
P: 215.922.6139
F: 215.922-6109
Antionette Banks-Staten,
Executive Director
Andriece Hardy
Administrative Assistant
Hours of Operation: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday-Friday